Best long term crops. Agriculture is the backbone of Uganda and it contributes a lot to the country’s GDP. Most people in the country rely on the activity as a means of survival and economic gains.
Cash crops and food crops are grown in different scales and both are profitable. The food crops are however seen as more of short term gains while cash crops can be grown for long term purposes.
So what type of crops/plants can you grow on a large scale for long term commercial gains.

Uganda is one of the largest producers of coffee globally. This definitely means that there is a wide variety of it’s growth in the country both on a large and small scale. Most people have resorted to planting coffee seedlings on their land. The good thing with this is that you can grow it alongside other crops.
The good thing with coffee is that you can keep harvesting it without getting finished. It takes about two years for you to start harvesting depending on the type you planted.

If you have a large dormant land, why not plant some trees in it. This can preferably be pine trees or eucalyptus. They have a growth period of 5-10 years.
This is a very profitable business because the desire for wood and it’s by products has never become extinct. Planting trees is not only good for you but also the environment.

Another cash crop that should interest you is vanilla. It’s growth is limited in the country yet it’s need is a lot. It takes about 2-5 years to start reaping from your investment. And the prices are quite high.

Yes, this is another crop you can grow that earns profitably. There is a large market for it across the country. Youths, long distance drivers among other categories of people are some of those groups that consume it. Therefore it won’t be a loss for you if you decide to venture into this area.

This might be a food crop but it’s another long term profitable venture. There are different types of bananas including the ones that are cooked (matooke) and Bogoya which is yellow bananas. If you plant them on a large scale, you could be earning from them in 2 years time. This however also depends on the type you have planted and the type of land. Even after harvesting, the bananas keep on producing more which means that they will not run out.
Additionally, there is a whole lot of crops to look into while deciding to venture into commercial Agriculture on a large scale. Most of the crops mentioned above are ventured into by people with a large scale of land and are not into quick gains. These crops usually take sometime to return the benefits but when they do, they do not run out. Before venturing into them, you will need to carry out extensive research so that you don’t fumble into a business you don’t understand properly.
Best long term crops