Social Media is now almost a way of living for most people across the world. In Uganda it’s no different and we shall be looking at the most used social media platforms in Uganda. These platforms provide a means of living for many people and without it, life wouldn’t be the same for so many.

Threads is a social media platform owned by Mark Zuckerberg under his Meta Group of companies. It was introduced at a time Twitter was going through a crisis especially during the time Elon Musk first purchased it. Its outlook and format is very similar to Twitter. Most of it’s subscribers are users of Meta platforms. An estimated 1m users are said to be on this platform.
Twitter (X)
Formerly known as Twitter, the Elon Musk is one of those platforms that are heavily used by Ugandans. There is an estimated 5-8 million users of this platform. It’s majorly used by politician, brands and government agencies as means of conveying official messages to the public.
Furthermore, it’s simple use of speech where lots of people can engage, argue, debate and exchange ideas has seen it because a more formal app for a lot of people. It’s where a lot of ‘COOKING’ takes place apparently. With the recent introduction of monetization on the platform, it has become a user favorite countrywide.
This is one of the Meta owned companies and is widely used by celebrities to post photos. It’s seen more as a lady-like platform because of its outlook and set up. It’s estimated that there are about 6-9 million Instagram users in Uganda.

Basically, it’s for slaying although it can be used for monetary purposes especially through affiliate marketing, influencing products and posting reels. There’s hardly any official communication posted on this platform.
This platform became so popular in Ugannda during the COVID-19 pandemic. The trend continued to grow in the lockdown till now where there is an estimated 7-10 million users.
Apparently, the video sharing platform is one of the most interesting platforms amongst many users. It has slowly displaced some of the indigenous platforms to become the most used and liked platform in the country.
Another platform from the Meta Conglomerate. WhatsApp usage in Uganda is estimated to be between 8-12m users amongst Ugandans.
All one needs is a smartphone to become a WhatsApp user. It’s more of a day to day platform to help people keep in touch with their loved ones as well as businesses. Unlike the other apps that are public, WhatsApp is more of a personal platform.
This has to definitely be one of the oldest ‘new skool’ social media platforms in Uganda. Before all the other apps became popular and circulated in the country and even across the globe, Facebook was that guy.
In Uganda, usage is estimated to be between 15-25m users. It almost encompasses all the attributes that the other platforms posses. It can be used for official, public as well as personal purposes. Additionally, it also has monetization although it’s yet to be rolled out in all countries. Facebook usage has however fallen exponentially in the past couple of years due to various reasons. Despite this, it’s still ranks top of the most used social media platforms in Uganda.