The relationship between female singers Ava Peace and Winnie Wa Mummy seems to be souring with each day that passes by. Winnie has now come out to narrate the disrespect meted out to her by her fellow singer.
The latest has been at NTV premises where the two ladies were all scheduled for an appearance on the same program. According to Winnie, she arrived very early and was there by midday as she had another interview at NBS.

She was apparently handed a microphone to kickstart the show but as soon as Ava Peace showed up, one of the TV personnel who is a friend to Ava removed the mic from Winnie and gave it to the Whiskey singer.
According to Winnie, she arrived early but Ava who arrived late was given preferential treatment. The TikToker added that this is not the first time she’s getting disrespected by her compatriot. On the verge of tears, Winnie asked Ava Peace to stop this.

The common denominator in this saga is none other than Mudra. The Inside singer first worked with Ava Peace and gave her the major breakthrough. Their closeness even led to some people believing that they are dating but they denied the rumors.
Ava later joined TNS and Mudra has since been working with Winnie Wa Mummy who he’s helped become a mainstream artist too. Netizens therefore believe that the two singers are clashing over Mudra’s cassava.
Ava Peace Winnie Wa Mummy