Ugandans who go to the Middle East. Migration of the working force from Uganda to the Middle East has become a major business across the last couple of years. Thousands of Ugandans both educated and uneducated have gone to several countries. They include the UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman among others to find work in various fields.
Although there have been a lot of problems these people have faced such as discrimination, illegal arrests, exploitation and abuse among others, many have earned from these jobs. However, there have been equally many that have not gained anything. These are always in tears and languishing in pain whenever they return home:- but why is so.
Let’s look at some of the reasons these people’s lives do not change despite going to the Middle East to mint money and change their livelihoods. Ugandans who go to the Middle East

- Scrupulous contracts and agencies
Companies taking people abroad have erupted in the last couple of years. However, not all of these are legit and it’s better to do some background research about a company before engaging with it to take you abroad.
Even if they don’t fleece you while processing your documents, they might have you sign unfair contracts. In the end, you might find yourself paying unknown fees to these companies direct from your salary for an undisclosed time frame. By the time you return, you have been working for you and these individuals. Make sure to understand a contract before you sign it or have someone read and interpret it for you.
- Be Strategic
It’s very important to know the reason that took you to work. By being strategic, it means you have goals and achievements that you want to accomplish in a given set of time. So don’t lose focus, keep your eyes on the prize and stay humble.
Most people after going abroad, they lose focus of what took them there. Being in a new place with new stuff that rather seems ‘cool’ than where they came from forget the reason they went there in the first place.
- Do not trust anyone with your money
There is nobody who knows the hustle that you go through while abroad. The cold nights, the alien land, different cultures, abuse, discrimination – all of that are endured by you. That should teach you to value your money. Sadly it won’t be the same with other people that you have entrusted with your money. We have heard countless stories before of people mis-using people’s money sent from abroad.
This money shouldn’t be sent to anyone especially lovers that you’re not even legally married to. They always use it for their own benefit, and when you return, it’s vanished in the wind. You can have some people that you trust who you have a track record with, but there’s no guarantee that they won’t misuse you hard earned dimes.

- Wrong choice of business
When most people go abroad, all they want is to work and gets capital to start up businesses in order to elevate themselves and their loved ones. Once they are back, all they want to do is pour this money into a business. Some choose wrong businesses without making enough research. This is so wrong and in a flash all their savings for years have been blown away with nothing to show.
Do not make such a grave mistake, make research, ask the people you left behind, observe trends and make sure to mak information your weapon. When you do this, trust me, you won’t be seen soliciting for more funds to go back abroad
5. Poor Lifestyle Choices
When most people return back, they resort to living a luxurious and excessive lifestyle beyond their means. Of course they have made some few millions and want to impress everyone. And show that they have been abroad. But little do they know they are wasting their years of hard work. Before they wake up, the money has been blown away and they have no one by their side. The only option is to process papers once again and hit the desert. This is definitely something you do not want for yourself after those long years of hustling.
“The factors that contribute to most people languishing in poverty and misery after retiring from Kyeyo are so many. Some are beyond their control but most are induced by themselves. Therefore make clever choices and do not get yourself in tgis trap.”
Ugandans who go to the Middle East